Hi, I’m EscalatedQuickly!

Malware Enthusiast || Penetration Tester || Academic || Nerd || Creator

My name is Erik Bergenholtz, but online I’m known as EscalatedQuickly.


I’m a nerd in general, and a cyber security enthusiast in particular. I have an M.Sc. in computer security, and about half a Ph.D. on malware analsis. I work with penetration testing and malware analysis by day, and do my best to not be too lazy at night.

Security isn’t all I’m interested in when it comes to computers though. Low-level programming and formal languages are also pretty cool, and I hope to one day get around to writing my won operating system, and design a programming language of my own.

Outside of messing around with computers, I have a lot of other things going on as well. I play various folk music intruments, ferment various foods and drinks, and like to dress like a viking and live in a tent.


This is a selection of projects I’ve done over the years.


A tool designed to scan IPv6 for live hosts. The tool leverages the fact that inside a DHCP pool, the density of IP addresses will be higher than outside it. The tool was the basis for my first publication, in ISNCC 2019 (see below)


Have you ever wanted to know how you’d look if you were an alpaca? Well, with this very serious project, you can find out! Originally it was put together by me and a friend for a hackathon. The projects uses OpenCV to do faical recognition on uploaded photos, and very expertly changes your face for that of an alpaca.


  1. ICICS 2020
    Detection of metamorphic malware packers using multilayered LSTM networks
  2. ISNCC 2019
    Finding a needle in a haystack - A comparative study of IPv6 scanning methods